Pan American & Para Pan American Games – Toronto, 2015
Scenic, Stadium and Look Items
PNH gave the event a pulse with a wide variety of scenic, sport and stadium look items, from its very beginning, in the opening ceremony, throughout the games, and to its very end, in the closing ceremony.
- Project consultation and management
- Product development
- Printing and hardware construction
- Delivery and installation coordination
- Effectively met deadlines to the customer's complete satisfaction
- Successfully coordinated delivery, installation & disassemblage
- Successfully created an attractive environment for 23 000 volunteers, 6000 athletes and over 1 million spectators
- Record attendance at Para Pan Am Games
PNH Stood out in the RFP process for Fence Fabric and Field of Play (FOP) Corrals product category. Their prototype product for the Fence Fabric and the FOP Corrals were the top proponents, their written proposal was second to none, and their pricing blew-away the competition. Once I had a chance to work with the PNH production team, their Fence Fabric became the best in class, for colour accuracy, and ink pull-through to the second side. PNH's brightly coloured Fence Fabric was the cornerstone to Toronto's identity, delivering a consistent look at venues across a vast region. Despite the large scope of deliverables that PNH committed to, their project management and operations staff always remained available to me. We managed the projects together, and all the deadlines were met. Toronto 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games relied on PNH to deliver an Olympic standard Look program and, I am confident that I will rely on them again in the future.Senior Production Manager, Brand and Creative Services